Friday, March 7, 2008

I switched from Microsoft Windows to GNU Linux/FOSS not because it's free but because of "Freedom" around it.

I did several accounting software projects in our area using a pirated copy of Microsoft Visual Basic IDE. The last project I had was a database system (Student Records Management, Enrollment and Billing System) of the Bato Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) of Bato Leyte Philippines. I really felt it was an awesome and a successful project and I am very proud of it because until today the system is still in used by the company and the management of that company did not make any contact with me anymore asking favors for maintenance and upgrades. I am very happy to tell my friends for such a great job but truly inside me is a feeling of emptiness because I did it with the use of illegally acquired software. I really love Microsoft Visual Basic and Microsoft Office family of softwares because of their nice, user-friendly and easy to use capabilities and in fact Microsoft Visual Basic was my number one tool in developing customized applications and it's also my number subject when I used to teach computer programming in colleges and universities. But the world of computing in me using Windows has changed and came to an end by the time I received a letter from the office of NBI, CIDG, OMB Manila in compliance with the Republic Act 8293 (Intellectual Property Code in the Philippines) sometime in November 2007. I heard of GNU Linux long before but I did not pay too much attention to it because I thought Microsoft line of software products were the world's best and all the people in our community know nothing except Windows, until I received a compaign letter regarding software piracy from the authorities of the Philippine government. That happening, I consider it as an eye-opener experience for me because I never had a plan to use Linux then. Software piracy is very rampant in our area and it's against my conscience to continue to use illegally copied softwares. I searched in the internet regarding the open source technology and its implications and viability in business and I found a lot of good feedbacks and success stories from the communities who supported and keep the spirit and ideals of open source burning. So I never hesitated to gave Linux a chance. At first I tried Ubuntu, Mandriva, Linux Mint, Fedora 7 and many other distros and finally settled for Kubuntu Gutsy Gibon. And right now all PCs on my internet cafe are powered and run by 100% open source softwares. I used Kubuntu 7.10 for my desktops, OpenOffice for documents processing, Kino for video editing, K3b and Amarok for cd audio/video ripping and burning, Gimp and Inkspace for graphics editing and Audacity for my audio manipulation. With software development I use Netbeans, Gambas, KDevelop and Eclipse. I wish to expand my internet cafe business in the years to come with Edubuntu. Because of security features, flexibility, lower total cost of ownership and maintenance and most of all the "Freedom" that I've found and experienced within GNU Linux environment, I would encourage everybody to consider using this alternative platform. By now I can have a sound sleep at night and more productive in my business operation. At least today the day has come that everyone can exercise his freedom to express, use, modify, distribute, and participate in the developments for the benefits of mankind.

Genes M. Acenas Sr.
Software Developer
Bato, Leyte

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